Modeled Wage Estimates (WM) wm.txt Section Listing 1. Survey definition 2. Download files listed in the survey directory 3. Series file, data files, and mapping files definitions and relationships 4. Series file format and field definitions 5. Data file formats and field definitions 6. Mapping file formats and field definitions 7. Data element dictionary ======================================================================= Section 1: Survey definition ======================================================================= The following is a definition of: Modeled Wage Estimates (WM) Survey Description: The Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics (OEWS) and National Compensation Survey (NCS) programs have produced estimates by borrowing from the strength and breadth of each survey to provide more details on occupational wages than either program provides individually. Modeled Wage Estimates provide annual estimates of average hourly wages for occupations by selected job characteristics and within geographical location. The job characteristics include bargaining status (union and nonunion), part- and full-time work status, incentive- and time-based pay, and work levels (1-15 and unable to be leveled and grouped work levels of entry, intermediate and experienced) by occupation. Grouped work level estimates were created from meaningful group level distinctions within an occupation, consisting of either two groups for entry and experienced levels or three groups for entry, intermediate and experienced levels. Direct estimates are based on survey responses only from the particular geographic area to which the estimate refers. In contrast, Modeled Wage Estimates use survey responses from larger areas to fill in information for smaller areas where the sample size is not sufficient to produce direct estimates. Modeled Wage Estimates require the assumption that the patterns to responses in the larger area hold in the smaller area. The sample size for the NCS is not large enough to produce direct estimates by area, occupation, and job characteristic for all of the areas for which the OEWS publishes estimates by area and occupation. The NCS sample consists of 6 private industry panels with approximately 3,300 establishments sampled per panel and 1 state and local government panel with approximately 1,600 sampled state and local government units. The OEWS full six-panel sample consists of 1.1 million establishments. The sample establishments are classified in industry categories based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Within an establishment, specific job categories are selected to represent broader occupational definitions. Jobs are classified according to the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system; in a few cases, classification reflects aggregation to an OEWS-specific occupational grouping. Summary Data Available: Average hourly wage estimates for civilian workers in occupations by job characteristic and work levels. These data are available at the national, state, metropolitan, and nonmetropolitan area levels. Frequency of Observations: Data are available on an annual basis, and released shortly after the OEWS annual release for the same reference year. Data Characteristics: All hourly wages are published to the nearest cent. ======================================================================= Section 2: Download files listed in the survey directory ======================================================================= The following Modeled Wage Estimates files are on the BLS internet in the sub-directory pub/time.series/wm: File Name Contents File Type wm.series - all series and series file their beginning and end dates - all estimates data file wm.aspect - all relative standard errors data file wm.area - area codes mapping file wm.datatype - datatype codes mapping file wm.estimate - estimate codes mapping file wm.footnote - footnote codes mapping file wm.industry - industry codes mapping file wm.level - work level codes mapping file wm.occupation - occupation codes mapping file wm.ownership - ownership section codes mapping file wm.period - period codes mapping file wm.seasonal - seasonal codes mapping file wm.subcell - job characteristic codes mapping file wm.contacts - contacts for WM survey N/A wm.txt - general information for N/A WM survey ======================================================================= Section 3: Series file, data files, and mapping files definitions and relationships ======================================================================= The interrelationship among series, data, and mapping files is detailed below: The download files are organized such that data users are provided with three types of files: a) a series file (only one series file per survey) b) data files c) mapping files The series file contains a unique series identification code that identifies a single series and columns of codes that define the series. Additionally, the series file also contains the following series-level information: a) the period and year corresponding to the first data observation b) the period and year corresponding to the most recent data observation. The data files contain one line of data for each observation period pertaining to a specific series identification code. The mapping files are definition files that contain explanatory text descriptions that correspond to each of the various codes used to define each series identification code. ======================================================================= Section 4: Series file format and field definitions ======================================================================= File Structure and Format: The following represents the file format used to define the wm.series file. Note that the Field Numbers are for reference only; they do not exist in the database. Series files are in ASCII text format. Data elements are separated by tabs; the first record of each file contains the column headers for the data elements stored in each field. Each record ends with a new line character. Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. series_id 29 WMU00107401020000001300002700 2. seasonal 1 U 3. area_code 7 0010740 4. ownership_code 1 1 5. estimate_code 2 02 6. industry_code 6 000000 7. occupation_code 6 130000 8. subcell_code 2 27 9. datatype_code 2 30 10. level_code 2 00 11. series_title 256 Average hourly wage for incentive-based business and financial operations occupations, in Albuquerque, NM 12. footnote_codes 10 1 13. begin_year 4 2019 14. begin_period 3 A01 15. end_year 4 2017 16. end_period 3 A01 The series_id (WMU00107401020000001100002700) can be broken out into: Code Value(Example) survey abbreviation = WM seasonal (code) = U area_code = 0010740 ownership_code = 1 estimate_code = 02 industry_code = 000000 occupation_code = 130000 subcell_code = 27 level_code = 00 ======================================================================= Section 5: Data file formats and field definitions ======================================================================= File Structure and Format: The following represents the file format used to define each data file. Note that the field numbers are for reference only; they do not exist in the database. Data files are in ASCII text format. Data elements are separated by tabs; the first record of the file contains the column headers for the data elements stored in each field. Each record ends with a new line character. WM data are partitioned into two separate data files: 1. - All estimates 2. wm.aspect - All relative standard errors File Name: Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. series_id 29 WMU00107401020000001300002700 2. year 4 2017 3. period 3 A01 4. value 12 29.76 5. footnote_codes 10 1 File Name: wm.aspect Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. series_id 29 WMU00107401020000001300002700 2. year 4 2017 3. period 3 A01 4. aspect_type 2 R0 5. value 12 Not available 6. footnote_codes 10 2 ======================================================================= Section 6: Mapping file formats and field definitions ======================================================================= File Structure and Format: The following represents the file format used to define each mapping file. Note that the field numbers are for reference only; they do not exist in the database. Mapping files are in ASCII text format. Data elements are separated by tabs; the first record of each file contains the column headers for the data elements stored in each field. Each record ends with a new line character. NOTE: Mapping files contain three additional fields which are not referenced below: display_level, selectable, and sort_sequence. These fields are used for BLS purposes and may be ignored. File Name: wm.area Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. area_code 7 0010740 2. area_text 100 Albuquerque, NM File Name: wm.datatype Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. datatype_code 2 30 2. datatype_text 100 Mean File Name: wm.estimate Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. estimate_code 2 02 2. estimate_text 100 Average hourly wage File Name: wm.footnote Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. footnote_code 10 2 2. footnote_text 200 BLS is currently developing an approach to calculate the relative standard errors due to implementation of modeled-based estimates (MB3) used by the Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics (OEWS). File Name: wm.industry Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. industry_code 6 000000 2. industry_text 100 All industries File Name: wm.level Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. level_code 2 00 2. level_text 100 All levels File Name: wm.occupation Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. occupation_code 6 130000 2. occupation_text 100 Business and financial operations occupations File Name: wm.ownership Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. ownership_code 1 1 2. ownership_text 100 Civilian workers File Name: wm.period Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. period 3 A01 2. period_abbr 5 ANN 3. period_name 20 Annual File Name: wm.seasonal Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. seasonal 1 U 2. seasonal_text 30 Not seasonally adjusted File Name: wm.subcell Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. subcell_code 2 27 2. subcell_text 100 Time-based pay ======================================================================= Section 7: Data element dictionary ======================================================================= Modeled Wage Estimates (WM) DATABASE ELEMENTS Data Element Length Value(Example) Description area_code 7 0010740 Identifies the geographic area for the estimate area_text 100 Albuquerque, NM Description of area code aspect_type 2 R0 Identifies the type of additional data provided for the series id (Example: R0 represents relative standard error) begin_period 3 A01 Identifies first data observation within the first year for which data is available for a given series begin_year 4 2017 Identifies first year for which data is available for a given series datatype_code 2 30 Identifies measurement type datatype_text 100 Mean Description of measurement code end_period 3 A01 Identifies last data observation within the last year for which data is available for a given series end_year 4 2017 Identifies last year for which data is available for a given series estimate_code 2 02 Identifies the type and unit of measure for the estimate estimate_text 100 Average hourly Description of the estimate wages code footnote_codes 10 1 Identifies footnotes for the series or observations footnote_text 200 Data not available Description of the footnote code industry_code 6 000000 Identifies the industry sector for the estimate, as classified by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) industry_text 100 All industries Description of industry code level_code 2 00 Identifies the work level for the estimate level_text 100 All levels Description of work level code occupation_code 6 130000 Identifies the occupational group, or family of jobs, for the estimate as classified by the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system occupation_text 100 Business and Description of occupation code financial operations occupations ownership_code 1 1 Identifies the sector represented by the estimate ownership_text 100 Civilian workers Description of the ownership code period 3 A01 Identifies period for the data observation, which may be monthly, quarterly, or annual period_abbr 5 ANN Abbreviation of the period name period_name 20 Annual Description of the period code seasonal 1 U Seasonality indicator code seasonal_text 30 Not seasonally Description of the seasonal code adjusted series_id 29 WMU001074010200 Unique code identifying the 00001300002700 specific series series_title 256 Average hourly Description of the series id wage for business and financial operations occupations, time- based pay, in Albuquerque, NM subcell_code 2 27 Job characteristic code identifying the attributes of workers within an occupational group for the estimate subcell_text 100 Time-based pay Description of job characteristic code value 12 29.76 Value of the estimate or relative standard error corresponding with the series id year 4 2017 Identifies year of observation