Major Sector Productivity and Costs (PR) pr.txt Section Listing 1. Survey Definition 2. FTP files listed in the survey directory. 3. Time series, series file, data file, & mapping file definitions and relationships 4. Series file format and field definitions 5. Data file format and field definitions 6. Mapping file formats and field definitions 7. Data Element Dictionary ================================================================================ Section 1 ================================================================================ The following is a definition of: MAJOR SECTOR PRODUCTIVITY AND COSTS (PR) Survey Description: Productivity and costs measures are published for six major sectors: Business, nonfarm business, nonfinancial corporations, total manufacturing, durable goods manufacturing, and nondurable goods manufacturing. For each sector, measures of industry analytic ratios (e.g., productivity, unit labor costs) are available as well as basic data (e.g., output, hours, and compensation) on which they are based. Output data are from the Bureau of Economic Analysis and the Census Bureau of the U.S. Department of Commerce; the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor; and the Federal Reserve Board. Compensation data are from the Bureau of Economic Analysis and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Employment and average weekly hours are selected from the BLS establishment survey, and, where necessary for the farm sector and for the self-employed, from the BLS labor force survey. The labor input measure is then converted to the hours at work concept using results of a special annual survey, conducted for this purpose. Summary Data Available: There are approximately 282 Major Sector Productivity series available on the LABSTAT database. Series for business and nonfarm business begin in 1947, those for manufacturing in 1987, and those for nonfinancial corporations in 1958. Frequency of Observations: Series are available quarterly and annually. Quarterly measures are based entirely on seasonally adjusted data. Annual Averages: For some manufacturing series, only annual averages are available. Base Periods: The base period for the indexes presented for each series is 2005 = 100. Data Characteristics: All percent changes are calculated using index numbers rounded to three decimal places. Indexes are stored to three decimal places and percent changes are stored to one decimal place. Update Schedule: Updates are performed near the beginning of the second and third month of each quarter, reflecting new data from the preceding quarter. Traditionally, all revisions to source data are reflected in the following release. References: BLS Handbook of Methods, Chapter 10, "Productivity Measures: Business Sector and Major Subsectors", BLS Bulletin 2490 (April 1997). "New Sector Definitions for Productivity Series", Monthly Labor Review, October 1976, pp. 40-42. "Improvements to the Quarterly Productivity Measures", Monthly Labor Review, October 1995, pp. 27-32. ================================================================================== Section 2 ================================================================================== The following Major Sector Productivity and Costs files are on the BLS internet in the sub-directory pub/time.series/pr: pr.class - Class codes mapping file pr.contacts - Contacts for PR program - All current year-to-date data - All data pr.duration - Duration codes mapping file pr.footnote - Footnote codes mapping file pr.measure - Measure codes mapping file pr.period - Period codes mapping file pr.seasonal - Seasonal codes mapping file pr.sector - Sector codes mapping file pr.series - All series and their beginning and end dates pr.txt - General information ================================================================================= Section 3 ================================================================================= The definition of a time series, its relationship to and the interrelationship among series, data and mapping files is detailed below: A time series refers to a set of data observed over an extended period of time over consistent time intervals (i.e. monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually). BLS time series data are typically produced at monthly intervals and represent data ranging from a specific consumer item in a specific geographical area whose price is gathered monthly to a category of worker in a specific industry whose employment rate is being recorded monthly, etc. The FTP files are organized such that data users are provided with the following set of files to use in their efforts to interpret data files: a) a series file (only one series file per survey) b) mapping files c) data files The series file contains a set of codes which, together, compose a series identification code that serves to uniquely identify a single time series. Additionally, the series file also contains the following series-level information: a) the period and year corresponding to the first data observation b) the period and year corresponding to the most recent data observation. The mapping files are definition files that contain explanatory text descriptions that correspond to each of the various codes contained within each series identification code. The data file contains one line of data for each observation period pertaining to a specific time series. Each line contains a reference to the following: a) a series identification code b) year in which data is observed c) period for which data is observed (M13, Q05, and S03 indicate annual averages) d) value e) footnote code (if available) ================================================================================= Section 4 ================================================================================= File Structure and Format: The following represents the file format used to define pr.series. Note that the Field Numbers are for reference only; they do not exist in the database. Data files are in ASCII text format. Data elements are separated by tabs; the first record of each file contains the column headers for the data elements stored in each field. Each record ends with a new line character. Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. series_id 17 PRS30006011 2. sector_code 4 3000 3. class_code 1 6 4. measure_code 2 01 5. duration_code 1 1 6. seasonal (code) 1 S 7. base_year 4 - 8. footnote_codes 10 r 9. begin_year 4 1988 10. begin_period 3 Q01 11. end_year 4 2011 12. end_period 3 Q03 The series_id (PRS30006011) can be broken out into: Code Value survey abbreviation = PR seasonal (code) = S sector_code = 3000 class_code = 6 measure_code = 01 duration_code = 1 ================================================================================== Section 5 ================================================================================== File Structure and Format: The following represents the file format used to define each data file. Note that the field numbers are for reference only; they do not exist in the database. Data files are in ASCII text format. Data elements are separated by tabs; the first record of each file contains the column headers for the data elements stored in each field. Each record ends with a new line character. The file is partitioned into two separate files: 1. - All current year-to-date data 2. - All data The above-named data files have the following format: Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. series_id 17 PRS30006011 2. year 4 1988 3. period 3 Q01 4. value 12 1.9 5. footnote_codes 10 r The series_id (PRS30006011) can be broken out into: Code Value survey abbreviation = PR seasonal (code) = S sector_code = 3000 class_code = 6 measure_code = 01 duration_code = 1 ================================================================================ Section 6 ================================================================================ File Structure and Format: The following represents the file format used to define each mapping file. Note that the field numbers are for reference only; they do not exist in the database. Mapping files are in ASCII text format. Data elements are separated by tabs; the first record of each file contains the column headers for the data elements stored in each field. Each record ends with a new line character. File Name: pr.class Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. class_code 1 6 2. class_text 100 Text 3. display_level 2 0 4. selectable 1 T 5. sort_sequence 5 1 File Name: pr.duration Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. duration_code 1 1 2. duration_text 100 Text 3. display_level 2 0 4. selectable 1 T 5. sort_sequence 5 1 File Name: pr.footnote Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. footnote_code 2 R 2. footnote_text 200 Text File Name: pr.measure Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. measure_code 2 01 2. measure_text 100 Text 3. display_level 2 0 4. selectable 1 T 5. sort_sequence 5 1 File Name: pr.period Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. period 3 Q01 2. period_abbr 5 QTR1 3. period_name 20 Text File Name: pr.seasonal Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. seasonal_code 1 S 2. seasonal_text 30 Text File Name: pr.sector Field #/Data Element Length Value(Example) 1. sector_code 4 3000 2. sector_name 100 Text 3. display_level 2 0 4. selectable 1 T 5. sort_sequence 5 1 ========================================================================================= Section 7 ========================================================================================= MAJOR SECTOR PRODUCTIVITY AND COSTS (PR) DATABASE ELEMENTS Data Element Length Value(Example) Description base_year 4 YYYY Identifies the base year for the Ex: 2005 index presented. begin_period 3 Q01-Q05 Identifies first data observation Ex: Q01=1st Quarter within the first year for which (Q=Quarterly,Q05= data is available for a given Annual Average) time series. begin_year 4 YYYY Identifies first year for which Ex: 1948 data is available for a given time series. class_code 1 Ex: 6 Identifies employee group to which data pertain. class_text 100 Text Names employee group to which Ex: all persons data pertain. display_level 2 Ex: 0 Identifies hierarchical structure of data when combined with sort_ sequence information. duration_code 1 Ex: 1 Identifies whether data are percent changes or indexes. duration_text 100 Text Names percent changes or indexes. Ex: % change year ago end_period 3 Q01-Q05 Identifies last data observation Ex: Q01=1st Quarter within the last year for which (Q=Quarterly,Q05= data is available for a given Annual Average) time series. end_year 4 YYYY Identifies last year for which Ex: 2011 data is available for a given time series. footnote_code 2 Ex: R Identifies an individual footnote. footnote_codes 10 Ex: R,P Identifies full set of footnotes that apply to a data point or series, in a comma-separated list. footnote_text 200 Text Names full text of footnote. Ex: revised measure_code 2 Ex: 01 Identifies specific factor measured. measure_text 100 Text Names specific factor measured. Ex: Unit labor costs period_abbr 5 Period name Abbreviation of period name abbreviation to which the data observation Ex: QTR1 refers. period 3 Q01-Q05 Identifies period to which the Ex: Q01=1st Quarter data observation refers. (Q=Quarterly,Q05= Annual Average) period_name 20 Text Names period to which the data Ex: 1st Quarter observation refers. seasonal_code 1 S=Seasonally adjusted Identifies whether the data are U=Not seasonally seasonally adjusted. adjusted seasonal_text 30 Text Names seasonal adjustment status. Ex: Seasonally adjusted sector_code 4 3000 Identifies the sector of the economy to which the data observation refers. sector_name 100 Text Names economic sector to which Ex: Manufacturing the data observation refers. selectable 1 T=Selectable Identifies items that may be F=Not selectable selected in query tools (T) or items that are titles only and not selectable (F). series_id 17 Ex: PRS30006011 Identifies the specific series. sort_sequence 5 Ex: 1 Identifies order that items will appear in single-screen query tool and informs hierarchical structure of data when combined with display_level information. value 12 Ex: 2.3 Data value for series. year 4 YYYY Identifies year of data Ex: 1990 observation.